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Kennis en ervaring delen over kunst in zorg & welzijn

Partners in Leeds (West Yorkshire)


In Engeland ondersteunen fondsen en instellingen succesvolle projecten en activiteiten, op het snijvlak van kunst, zorg en welzijn met een maatschappelijke impact. Via de Open Call Nederland-Leeds 2023 stimuleert het Fonds internationale uitwisseling en mogelijke samenwerking tussen beide landen.

Online Meet & Greet - 9 mei

Op 9 mei 2023 tussen 14.00 - 16.00 uur houden we voor de Open Call een online Meet & Greet. Hier presenteren de Engelse partners zich en kun je met hen in gesprek. Meer informatie? Stuur een mail naar met 'interesse in Meet & Greet', dan zetten we je op de mailinglijst.

Partners in Leeds

Hieronder vind je een overzicht van potentiële partners die openstaan voor kennismaking en uitwisseling met Nederlandse partners. 

Het zijn allemaal organisaties die werken op het snijvlak cultuur, zorg en welzijn. Ze hebben veel ervaring met de positieve bijdrage die kunst heeft op het welzijn en de gezondheid van mensen.

De partners stellen zich voor in het Engels.

CPWM team - C: Andrew Benge
CPWM team - C: Andrew Benge

Come play with me

Our mission  
To fight for an equitable, inclusive and diverse music industry. We support this career development through our events, label, mentoring, podcast & magazine and inclusivity training.

Who we are 
We are a non-profit music development organisation based in Leeds, specialising in supporting people from marginalised communities further their careers in music and creative industries.We work with musicians, sound engineers, promoters, photographers, writers, event programmers and more from across the Yorkshire region to develop their skills and networks. We aim to create and sustain a more equitable creative industry through our various projects. We specialise in LGBTQ+ inclusion and offer consultancy and workshops to help more organisations build on their own support for the LGBTQ+ community. 

Tony Ereira at 

Mary - C: Lizzie Coombes
Mary - C: Lizzie Coombes

Mafwa Theatre  

Our mission 
Mafwa theatre brings refugees, asylum seekers and settled communities together to celebrate our diversity and campaign for a more welcoming Leeds. 

Who we are 
We are a community theatre company working with artists and theatre makers from migrant backgrounds to develop and share their practice. We use drama and the arts to create work that celebrates our similarities and differences, brings people together and speaks truth to power. We use our platform to highlight and enable development opportunities for artists and theatre makers from migrant backgrounds, advocate for migrant rights and celebrate diverse communities. We run creative workshops for women in Leeds to have fun, make new friends and learn new skills.  

Keziah Berelson at  

Strike a pose - C: Paula Soloway
Strike a pose - C: Paula Soloway

Yorkshire Dance

Our Mission
Yorkshire Dance works through dance to create happiness, health, connection and change.

Who we are
Dance is exciting when people performing, can be themselves regardless of their culture, age, ability, sexual orientation, gender, ethnicity, training or their background. We invite people who normally have little access to dance to experience its transformational power. To find connection, joy, self-expression and insight – to make visible, empower and tell untold stories.We want to change the world and work with dance makers from all backgrounds who do so, however big or small. We work with participants from 2- 92 years. Offering a range of dance experiences for children and young people, older adults, people in care homes living with dementia and adults with learning disabilities. 

(older adults): Adie Nivison at 
(younger people): Ione Barton at

Watch the films featuring our older adults, young people and artists

A little space - C: Tom Woolard
A little space - C: Tom Woolard

Mind the Gap

Our mission
Leading the way in learning disability performance and live arts.

Who we are
Mind the Gap exists to enable people with learning disabilities and autism to be part of an arts sector free from discrimination, where people are trained, respected and employed equally, and feature every day on our stages and screens.The company works with learning disabled and autistic artists to deliver a bold, cutting edge and world class artistic programme. A programme that excites, surprises and challenges audiences locally, nationally and internationally. 

Emily Blackwell at 

Watch showreel


The performance ensemble - C: Mike Pinches
The performance ensemble - C: Mike Pinches

The Performance Ensemble

Our mission
We believe that older people have valuable contributions to make to society but that as we age, we often become invisible to others, and that must change.

Who we are
The Performance Ensemble is an ensemble company of older performers  from a range of different performance skills and diverse cultures. The Ensemble occupies the space between professional, amateur and community theatre practise.We create high quality contemporary performances with people over 60, from their own life experiences, hopes, and fears, for audiences of all ages. We celebrate the fullness of life, exploring vulnerability, resilience, and ageing.We work locally and internationally from our diverse roots in Leeds: the city that celebrates over 140 spoken languages and has pledged to become the ‘best place to grow old in’. 

Alan Lyddiard at  

Watch recent video of ‘The Promise of the Garden’ 


Sue in the blue - C: Norman Lomax
Sue in the blue - C: Norman Lomax

We are unlimited

Our mission
Our mission is to commission extraordinary work from disabled artists until the whole of the cultural sector does.

Who we are
Unlimited Is an arts commissioning body that supports, funds and promotes new work by disabled artists for UK and international audiences. We shall commission extraordinary work from disabled artists until the whole of the cultural sector does. This work will change and challenge the world. Disabled artists and disabled-led work are often marginalized by the cultural sector. By showcasing and supporting the amazing breadth and quality of work by disabled artists, we want to open doors for our artists to work with other organizations, too. 

Cat Sheridan at 

Tussen 15 mei en 14 juni 2023 staat de Open Call Nederland-Leeds 2023 open. Deze Open Call is bedoeld voor culturele en sociale instellingen en professionals die kennis willen uitwisselen over projecten die werken op het snijvlak van cultuur, zorg en welzijn. Je wilt wederzijds leren.

Al contact met partners?

Het staat je vrij om ook met andere partijen in West Yorkshire (Leeds, Bradford e.a.) contact te zoeken voor de Open Call Nederland-Leeds 2023. Als je al contacten hebt en in de startblokken staat voor een samenwerkingsproject dan kun je ook direct subsidie aanvragen via de regeling Internationale Samenwerking 2022-2024: Samenwerken.