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International collaboration 2022-2024

To explore or perform an international collaboration and exchange within or outside the Kingdom

Update July 17, 2024

Unfortunately, the grant ceiling for this scheme has been reached. The scheme has therefore come to an end. It is no longer possible to submit an application. We are currently busy developing new project schemes for 2025 and onwards.

Read the Policy Plan 2025-2028 here

This is the English version of the grant text

We have chosen a few relevant subsidy grants to translate into English. The forms and documents are still all in Dutch though. We hope this page helps you get a better idea of the grant. If you have any questions, reach out to us!

To the Dutch version of this grant

Update July 4: The subsidy ceiling has been reached, which means that 'Collaboration' has been closed. It is still possible to request within 'Exploration'. But note: the subsidy ceiling for 'Exploration' is in sight. This means that a larger amount will probably be requested than we can award. We may soon have to reject new applications because the subsidy ceiling has been reached.

Update April 30: The subsidy ceiling is in sight for 'Collaboration'. This means that a larger amount will probably be requested than we can award. We may soon have to reject new applications because the subsidy ceiling has been reached.


This scheme will be open for applications between the 14th of February 2022 and the 28th of August 2024.

Do you think you are ready to collaborate with an international partner? Can we help you to take the first or next step? This subsidy scheme can help you to set up and execute an international, reciprocal, cooperative project. Show us which contribution your project can make to the development of cultural participation and/or cultural education in the Netherlands. And we might support you in achieving your goals.

There are three application options for international collaboration:

  • Exploration: Are you still seeking for a suitable partner? Or have you found a partner, but need to get to know and/or visite each other in order to know if a cooperation is realistic? This grant helps you to explore the local situation and possibilities. If necessary, due to corona measures, this exploration can also be performed online.
    Application sum max. € 7.500,-
  • Collaboration: To enable the execution of an international collaboration project. If you already have a partner, then this grant can help you to finance your joint activities.
    Application sum max. € 25.000,-
    'Collaboration' is closed for applications.
  • Themes - Open Call: Between February and August 2024 several thematic open calls on cultural participation and cultural education will be set out for applications. Check our website, newsletter and social media regularly for updates.
    Application sum max. € 25.000,-

Who is eligible to apply?

You can apply as a Dutch cultural foundation, or as an independent professional in cultural education or participation if you can show us that you have at least three years of relevant experience.

Interregional cooperation

Within this scheme you can also apply for a subsidy for interregional cooperation. This concerns cooperation within the Kingdom, i.e. between the independent countries and special municipalities in the Kingdom.

Which criteria does the Fund consider?

The support scheme is open to projects in the fields of both cultural education and cultural participation. An educational project is always conducted together with school children or students, and a participation project is always conducted with culture makers (people who practice cultural activities in their leisure time).

Practical conditions

  • Your project is not due to begin in less than 13 weeks, or after more than 6 months, from the date of submitting your application.
  • Your project has a maximum duration of 2 years.
  • In case of an exploration grant, the requested sum can serve to cover 100% of the total costs. So you don’t need to invest any other money in the project.
  • In case of a collaboration grant, the requested sum may serve to cover 90% of the total project costs if the application comes from the European Netherlands. Does the application come from the Caribbean part of the Kingdom? Then the subsidy may cover 100% of the total costs.
  • The ‘unforeseen’ budget item may not exceed 7% of the total costs
  • You may not use more than 10% of the grant for material investments.
  • Due to the persistent impact of the coronavirus pandemic, your application requires information about how you will adapt with the current travel advisory and corona measures.
  • Applying in Englis is possible, yet we communicate the results in Dutch.

All documents are in Dutch. If you have any questions, please contact the Fund.


Setting up an international cooperation can bring a new, profound perspective to your work. To be succesful it requires an open mind, extra attention and time investment. If you need some inspiration on how to do this properly, read the article by Inez Boogaarts.

Looking for advice? We are happy to help, so don’t hesitate to contact us.