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Photo: Boris Stokman Photo: Boris Stokman

Talent Development: Institutions

Talent requires a fertile environment to flourish. Does your organisation provide this (e.g., through group coaching, training in workshops or participation in professional stage productions)? Then apply for funding through Talent Development: Institutions.

With this multi-year grant, we create opportunities for high-level amateur talent to develop into cultural professionals. In this way, the Fund aims to contribute to the regional and national infrastructure for talent development. Your organisation targets talents from 8 years old onwards, who demonstrate sufficient qualities and potential to qualify for arts education. We provide institutions within this scheme with the opportunity to work over a longer period to improve, renew and make their organisation and institutions more sustainable. 


Who can apply for a grant?  

Are you a cultural institution based in the Kingdom of the Netherlands? Then you are eligible for a grant if:  

  • organising amateur arts talent development activities is your core activity, and 
  • your institution is of national importance and has been active for at least three years in the domain you are applying for.  


What can you apply for?  

You can apply for a grant for a talent development programme within amateur art. Think of activities such as (ongoing) coaching, training courses or mentoring in labs, workshops or production groups, or competitions or contests. Because of their high quality and national importance, these activities attract diverse young talent and contribute to their route to art education or the professional domain. Your application is focused on working towards and achieving outcomes: what desired effects contribute to your objective, and what steps will you take to achieve them? 
(Festivals or competitions taking place at one point in the year can apply within the Festival categories.) 


How do you apply for a grant? 

  • On this page under 'Documents', you will find all important information, such as the subsidy scheme containing the conditions on which your application will be assessed. Here you will also find sample forms to help you with your application;   
  • Applying for grants can be done via 'Mijn Fonds': our online application environment. Click on 'Apply for a grant' at the top right of this page to create a 'Mijn Fonds' account (please remember that this may take a few days) and start your application; 
  • Want to know more? View our info page to learn more about submitting an application.  


Good to know 

  • This multi-year scheme commences on 1 December 2023, 1 PM (Amsterdam time). Applications will not be assessed in order of receipt. This means you do not have to submit your application directly on 1 December, but by 31 January. We will start the assessment process after 31 January. We will do this simultaneously for all applications. 
  • The deadline for submitting the application is 4 PM (Amsterdam time) on 31 January 2024; 
  • The grant will be provided for calendar years 2025 to 2028. 
  • We will only process the application if it is submitted on time, the application form is filled in correctly and all requested information is enclosed. 
  • You subscribe to and apply the three cultural codes Governance Code Culture, the Fair Practice Code and the Diversity & Inclusion code. 
  • As a cultural institution, you can apply for a minimum of € 250,000 and a maximum of € 2,500,000. For applicants from the European part of the Netherlands, we contribute up to 50% of the total costs. For applicants from the Caribbean part of the Kingdom, the maximum is 80%. 
  • The grant ceiling for this category of the scheme is €16,000,000. 
  • We ask you to also complete the sustainability checklist when completing the application form. This is at the request of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. The results of the checklist are not included in the assessment. 
  • The Fund will soon receive additional resources from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science to support applicants who are included in the 2025-2028 multi-year scheme in working on Fair Practice. You can read more information about the distribution of these resources among the (positively approved) applicants for the multi-year schemes here. Further information will follow.
    To calculate hourly rates that comply with Fair Pay, we refer to the calculation tool for art professionals in cultural education and amateur art from Platform ACCT, the calculation tool from Digipacct, other existing collective agreements on remuneration such as a collective labor agreement and the social dialogue between employers or clients and employees or contractors.
  • We can be reached until December 15, 2023 for advice and substantive questions about your application. You can email us at Our advisors can also be reached by telephone during office hours: 
    Day Time Advisor Phone number
    Monday & Thursday 14:00 - 16:00 Lisan Beune 06 219 515 03