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16 november 2023

More information about the multi-year Talent Development and Co-creation grant schemes

On December 1, the Fund Cultural Participation will open two new multi-year grant schemes: Talent Development and Co-creation. With these schemes we focus on cultural institutions that are capable of combining a well-thought-out vision of their position and contribution to the field with coherent and relevant activities. On this page you can read more about the multi-year schemes.


Download the multi-year grant schemes

The new multi-year schemes have now been approved by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (OCW). That's great news. The schemes will be published in the Staatscourant around November 22. As soon as the schemes have been published there, we will set up subsidy pages on our website. Until then, the schemes can be downloaded via the buttons below.

When can I apply?

The multi-year schemes will open one week after the publication of the subsidy pages on our website, on December 1. This seems fast but don't worry! Applications are not assessed in order of receipt. This means that you do not have to submit your application immediately on December 1, but you do have to submit it no later than January 31. We will start the assessment process after January 31st. We do this simultaneously for all applications.


What do the multi-year schemes look like?

The (current) multi-year grant scheme Talent & Festivals 2021 - 2024 has been split into two new ones: Talent Development and Co-creation. We are adding two subject areas to this, previously known during the 2021 - 2024 policy period as the project schemes Making Culture Together and MeeMaakPodia. The Fund conducted a study in spring 2023 which revealed the strong interest in multi-year subsidies among applicants to these project schemes. We took this on board.  Applications for Talent Development for institutions and festivals open on 1 December. Applications may be submitted within the Co-creation multi-year grant scheme by institutions (replacing Experiencing Stages), festivals (replacing Heritage Events) and cross-sectorally (replacing Making Culture Together track 3).  

On November 15, we organized a (live) information meeting about the new multi-year schemes. The meeting can now be viewed via the video below.

More information about Co-creation

Do you have any questions or would you like more information about the Multi-Year Co-creation scheme? We are ready to answer all your questions until December 15. You can email us at Our advisors can also be reached by telephone during office hours:

Day Time Advisor Phone number
Monday 13:00 - 16:00 Lieke Ploeger 06 819 695 88 
Wednesday 13:00 - 16:00  Alex Vis (mainly for the Institutions and Cross-Sectoral chapters) 06 253 874 70
Friday 13:00 - 16:00 Inge Molenaar (mainly for the Institutions and Festivals chapters) 06 155 379 40



More information about Talent Development

Do you have any questions or would you like more information about the Multi-Year Talent Development scheme? We are ready to answer all your questions until December 15. You can email us at Our advisors can also be reached by telephone during office hours:

Day Time Advisor Phone number
Monday 13:00 - 16:00 Sebastiaan van der Lans 06 819 743 66 
Wednesday 13:00 - 16:00 Suzanna de Kruijf 06 501 992 07 
Friday 13:00 - 16:00 Inge Molenaar 06 155 379 40