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Discipline-based support

This scheme is aimed at amateur arts umbrella organisations Circuspunt, Danslink, Federatie van Folkloristische Groepen in Nederland, Fotobond, Koninklijke Nederlandse Muziek Organisatie, Koornetwerk Nederland, Landelijke Organisatie Studenten Theaterverenigingen, Nederlandse Organisatie van Audiovisuele Amateurs, Stichting Textiel Informatie en Documentatie Centrum.

With the pilot, we are exploring which direction the sector should work towards from 2025 onwards. The projects funded through this pilot will form the input and foundation for a national amateur arts agreement. 

For some time now, the structure upon which the amateur arts rely has faced challenges. These include a withdrawing government, ageing members and boards, declining membership figures and higher demands being placed on volunteer boards. The need for a strong and vital support structure became even greater during the COVID-19 pandemic. The time has come for nationwide and coordinated support for the amateur arts field. 

With this pilot, we support projects that contribute to: 

  • the future-proof strengthening of the support structure for the amateur arts  
  • and/or strengthening national support for disciplines 


Who can apply for a grant? 

The following amateur arts umbrella organisations can apply for a grant: Circuspunt, Danslink, Federatie van Folkloristische Groepen in Nederland, Fotobond, Koninklijke Nederlandse Muziek Organisatie, Koornetwerk Nederland, Landelijke Organisatie Studenten Theaterverenigingen, Nederlandse Organisatie van Audiovisuele Amateurs, Stichting Textiel Informatie en Documentatie Centrum. 

A maximum application amount applies for each amateur arts umbrella organisation. Amateur arts umbrella organizations can also apply jointly. In that case, the maximum amounts are accumulated. 


What kind of project is it? 

The project consists of activities and/or plans and focuses on the future of the amateur arts field. The project addresses, among other things: 

  • the needs in the field 
  • the actions and support that are needed 
  • the role of the amateur arts umbrella organisation and other organisations  
  • and how the project can be implemented in a future-proof way. 


How do you apply for the grant?  

On this page, you will find all the important information for submitting an application in the box to the right under 'Documents'. There, you will find the grant regulations, containing all the conditions based on which your application will be assessed. You will also find sample forms to help you with your application.

You can apply for a grant via Mijn Fonds: our online application environment. Click on ‘Mijn Fonds’ or ‘Subsidie aanvragen’ at the top right to create an account (this may take a few days) and start your application. 


Good to know 

  • The call opens on 30 October 2023 at 1 p.m. Amsterdam time and will close on 28 February 2024 at 5 p.m. Amsterdam time. 
  • The project does not start before your application is approved (this takes a maximum of 13 weeks), but does start within 6 months after you receive our decision. The project will run until 30 June 2025 at the latest. 
  • Are you opting for cooperation with one of the other amateur arts umbrella organisations? Then a cooperation agreement will be drawn up and signed for all parties involved. 
  • For each amateur arts umbrella organisation, there is a maximum amount to be applied for. The amount requested may cover 100% of your project costs. The contingency on your budget may not exceed 7% of the total costs. A maximum of 10% of the grant may be used for material investments. 
  • You apply the three cultural codes. The extent to which your application will be assessed on these codes depends on the amount you apply for. 
  • You will actively participate in LKCA's development process, which is conducted as part of the National Agreement on Amateur Arts. 
  • Applications are processed in order of receipt, until the end of the budget is reached. Therefore, be sure to start on time; do not wait too long to apply. 
  • The grant ceiling is €400,000.